Road Trip

It all started because C had been bragging about this amazing lobster he had in Puerto Nuevo one time and S needed a vacation (he didn't go anywhere over Spring Break), so we decided we had a perfect reason for a road trip. Well I haven't done a road trip since I had my Tempo, so it was my Civic's first trip - and she did great! Saturday it took awhile to get going (it is hard to get all 10 people up and moving after a long night of driving) but we quickly crossed the border and my civic went where my tempo never did - into Mexico! The lobster was delicious and we all were having a great time until we sat for 3 hours waiting to cross the border - the look on E's face was priceless as people kept coming up trying to sell her stuff. Saturday night was spent in downtown San Diego where Ben got to have the Yard House (he misses it since his CalTrans days are over) and all us got to enjoy the drinks and dancing. EG was able to get really cheap tickets ($10) into SeaWorld since her brother works there, so we checked it out on Sunday afternoon. The funniest part on the drive home was when C was going to get us authentic Mexican food in east L.A. and we missed it being open by 5 minutes (I blame the L.A. traffic) and then whenever we stopped we would miss everything being open by a few minutes. It was a very full and fun weekend, so it was pretty dead at work yesterday as we all were recovering.
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