Quick Update
Bonjour from Paris!
It has been a crazy 2.5 weeks, here is a quick recap while I have internet access...
Ben and I flew to Italy via London and met up with his parents for 3 days in Rome!

Then it was off to Aberdeen via Rome and London to collect our shipments before driving down to Edinburgh to collect cars and people, and then caravaning 2 hours to Hoscote House outside of Hawick (yep even I drove!). Tuesday through Thursday was spent hanging out with family and friends while running errands for the wedding, including picking up the very important Marriage Schedule (aka License) at the Hawick Town Hall.

Friday, the 29th of February, we took the leap and got hitched (ok so that is a totally cheezy line, but I had to do it!) on a VERY stormy day. We braved the weather and drove into Edinburgh to stay at the Caledonian Hilton that night, who upgraded our room for free to a gorgeous room with a view of Edinburgh Castle. Saturday was spent recovering at pubs with Jesse, Meghan, and Zaclyn and attempting to take professional pictures around town (again unsuccessful do to the massive amounts of rain).
We made our way to London via Aberdeen (had to ship all the stuff back home) and stayed at the Hyde Park Hilton, a very fancy hotel where we ordered room service for dinner and just relaxed in the posh room.

We are in Paris for 5 more days and then off to Germany!
Au revoir!
Scotland was a blast! I'm so glad I got to see you get married during the biggest storm in Scotland! It was fun extending my trip to stay in Paris for awhile, I'd love to be back there. I hope you have a blast on the rest of your trip.
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