Ski Weekend I
Happy New Year (a little late)!
Ours started quiet. Saw Jesse and Meghan’s cute new place on New Year's Eve, but were back home and asleep before the ball dropped (we have become old and tired!).
On New Year's Day, we were up and on the road to Tahoe!
Enjoyed some skiing at Northstar in horrible conditions on Friday, but definitely shook the dust off our skis.
Here is where the quiet trip took a turn…
Driving back to the lodge, Ben’s truck was spewing horrible white smoke. Uh, oh. After some searching on the internet, Ben confirmed it was very, very bad. So we begin to make frantic phone calls to see if it could be fixed on Saturday over a holiday weekend.
I’m sure you are guessing we weren’t successful, and you’re right!

The truck has been fixed, and luckily fully covered under warranty. We will make the trek back to get Ben’s beloved vehicle next weekend (with what vehicle, that is yet to be determined) and enjoy Ski Weekend II!
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