Andrea Blogs
Living in beautiful California, Working in a cool food research laboratory, Loving a wonderful guy named Ben.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Sunday, August 09, 2009
9 Years!
Last night Ben and I went out to dinner at our usual spot, The Sow's Ear, to celebrate nine years of being a couple. It wasn't our official day (he was working in Colorado and I was celebrating a friend's birthday), but I know it has been atleast 4 years (or 6, we aren't sure) since we were together on the 29th so this is standard practice for us. We can't wait for the big 1-0!

Saturday, August 08, 2009
Movie Review: The Ugly Truth

Typical romantic comedy but a little more crude. I did think the beginning was funny, but then it just became flat. And in the end, the "moral" was a little confusing (or non-existent). It won't be long before it is on TV, just wait and watch it there.
Drinks at our usual place helped to salvage a nice Friday evening. Luckily the pick for next weekend (Julie & Julia) has a much better rating!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
America's Most Trusted Newsman
Montreal and NYC were fabulous! So fabulous, that I got a cold and am completely exhausted. I can't wait to sleep-in this weekend!
We hoped to get tickets to the taping of The Daily Show on Thursday night, but unfortunately they are sold-out for quite awhile.
Now I understand why. (And another interesting article).
Monday, June 29, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Recap - June 2009
It's still June, so I'm not that behind with this update...
June started with a quick work trip to Anaheim for the Institute of Food Technologists' Annual Meeting. On the way down, F and I stopped at the Getty Center to meet up with Rachel and Nik for the afternoon. It was nice, but seeing the whole place in 8 hours was a bit overwhelming.

Then Emily graduated from Cal Poly.

Lastly, Ben and I tried our hands at gardening and are happy to report our green thumbs are starting to take shape. There are four new bushes in the front, 2 indoor plants were re-potted into 4, and we added 3 indoor plants and 2 herbs.

Even though summer is here with consecutive triple digit temperatures, life is good.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Gasp! Cutting Cable?
Ben and I have been thinking about leaving the world of cable this summer and switching to a Hulu/iTunes/Netflix system. Basically a good media computer would replace our cable box. Our only problem is keeping HD quality (so if you have any advice...). I am embarrassed to say exactly how much we spend on cable, but until 5 minutes ago, we use to have everything in HD except for Starz (which has all the good stuff). To help ease the transition for me (which I am worried might be painful), I am taking little steps to slowly end the cable addiction and so cancelled the Premium Channels today. Goodbye Entourage, Weeds, and The Tudors, you will be missed.
Soon we will be cable free and then we will move on to re-examine the expensive DSL we have. Do we really need 5 static IPs?
Hello Full Keyboard
Well I took the leap into the world of connectivity 24/7. Not the iPhone (crossing my fingers it comes to Verizon in 2010) but Ben's World Blackberry (he prefers the Pearl).

Photo on the train from Bratislava to Vienna, March 2009.