Happy Holidays!

Living in beautiful California, Working in a cool food research laboratory, Loving a wonderful guy named Ben.
One time on a flight from LAX to Dallas, Ben found himself in First Class next to Blair Underwood. I thought that was pretty cool, but last week Ben had the opportunity to fly back to California from Texas on the company jet! I was totally jealous, and then I found out that Brad Pitt often rents the jet for transportation to/from his current filming location in Canada! Now I can only imagine the type of plane Ben got to fly on...!
Luckily I'm not the Wicked Witch of the West or I would have melted long ago! I do love a rainy day, but I picked our stormiest day so far to be running experiments in labs on opposite sides of the campus. I was also extremely foolish this morning and decided to wear cute little slipper shoes, definitely the wrong choice when one is dodging puddles (picture this).
Right after Ben and I returned to the US from the trip where we got engaged, I called my parents to let them know we had made it back safe and sound (they already knew about the engagement, we called them from Belgium). After I inform my mom that we were in the car and about to start our 4 hour drive home (keep in mind we had come from Abu Dhabi, UAE via Doha, Qatar and London and so had been traveling for 30+ hours), she starts to ask questions about wedding plans!
Making our Christmas Lists yesterday, Ben and I had some fun looking at the weird and random stuff out there. He found the perfect one for me due to my huge obsession with poached eggs and toast, and I think I found the perfect stocking stuffers! This is why I heart Christmas!