New to the Dark Side
There is a new link on the right column. Welcome Scott to the blogging world!
Living in beautiful California, Working in a cool food research laboratory, Loving a wonderful guy named Ben.
After some online research, I decided to spend $40 on a fancy comb for Princess to hopefully eliminate the fur all over the furniture. Ben was highly doubtful, but we were both shocked at how AMAZING The Furminator works. Seriously. Worth every penny!
She was arrested for overdue library books! I have been getting nasty grams from the Library for 2 books I have out (I am still using them), so I think I am going to finish up and return them ASAP!
This product is a great idea. I love it!
I stopped by the gas station on my way to work this morning and filled up the tank for $3.99/gallon!
The baby shower was a success this last Saturday. Food was consumed, games were played, presents opened, and good times had all around.
Making the shower favors last night, I was introduced to Project Runway by Emily and Scott with a marathon of all the episodes from the current season. The characters (tanning boy), the drama ("you took my sewing machine!"), the fashion (the "koi pond"), I think I am addicted now!
I feel like I should be in the South. It is humid with a small thunderstorm (rain, thunder, and lightening) that actually took down our internet this morning. Crazy, not what I would expect for a California summer!
So I am a bad, bad blogger. I have no good excuse, just too busy lately. Here is the picture re-cap from the last three weeks with my promise to be better!