Andrea Blogs
Living in beautiful California, Working in a cool food research laboratory, Loving a wonderful guy named Ben.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
The BIG Trip Recap
I haven't posted about the Europe/Middle East trip details so here it is (only one month after returning!).
Belgium - I think the engagement post describes the few days quite well!

Qatar - It was such a contrast to come from the lush, greenery of northern Europe to the desert. Doha is under major construction as the Emir is trying to build up the country. Ben was very busy with meetings, so I spent a lot of time with Mary (the Qatar coordinator's wife) shopping, lunching, and having many coffee/tea breaks at the fancy hotels in the area - basically enjoy life as a lady of leisure in the comforts of air conditioning.
UAE - Continuing the pattern of Ben in meetings and myself having the difficult task of leisure, I spent the first few days in the country by myself at the Hilton resort in Fujairah. It was nice to enjoy the heat by laying out and swimming in the Indian Ocean. I then met up with Ben in Dubai and my first impression after stepping out of the hired car was Vegas! The city has a lot of money and is the "playground" of the rich Arabs, especially from Saudi Arabia. Up until now, women I saw were either veiled or dressed very conservatively, but walking out of the hotel when I arrived was a group of single young women dressed as if they were going to a Vegas club (aka not much at all).

Great trip! All the pictures can be found here. Unfortunately I didn't take very many while in the Middle East as it is illegal to take pictures of government and religious buildings, as well as considered in bad taste to take pictures of the locals. There are a ton of pictures of Belgium and Holland though!
I know I am still way behind on China (there was this one post...) but I am thinking details at the one year mark...
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Can I Be Crafty?

Saturday, June 09, 2007
The Proposal
With Ben back from Houston (yipee!) and his post (and potential future posts), I guess it's time to blog about my side of the story....
Ben brought up the idea of going to Belgium on the night before we were to fly out of LAX. He thought it would be cool to drive down to Brugge immediately after our arrival into Amsterdam for two days. He informed me he had some plans and that I would just have to be surprised. Usually I would demand to know the details, as I can be a slight control freak, but I was too busy running around preparing the house at 1am to think. I remember saying "that sounds like fun... whatever you want to do is fine by me..." as I folded clothes, half listening.

So...perfect town, perfect spot, perfect proposal - Ben planned everything. . . perfectly!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
It's Coming...

I saw the TV commercial tonight for the much anticipated iPhone and I am sold! My only dilemma is that I don't know if I am excited enough for the phone to switch to AT&T, so Verizon needs to get the phone ASAP! I have been waiting for years for this phone to upgrade from my now (very old) Motorola v60, but I am patient and can holdout a little longer.
Monday, June 04, 2007
Threadless Sale!

Did I mention Victoria's Secret was having their semi-annual sale? After Emily and I go to the downtown SLO store this week (and today's t-shirt purchase), I am going to be so broke!
40 Hours in the Twin Cities
Ben and I enjoyed a great time in Minneapolis attending Alex & Kaitlin's wedding at the McNamara Alumni Center. I was impressed with the architecture of the building and how it gave you a feel of being outdoors, which was beneficial as there was a large thunderstorm Saturday night. The ceremony was beautiful and we caught up with old friends during the reception. We were just having too much fun to remember to take out the camera and snap a few pictures. I do remember one funny moment Ben and I shared:
Two girls take the microphone during one of the bands breaks and start mumbling something about a song they use to all listen and sing too...blah...blah....
Me: "Five bucks says its Like A Prayer by Madonna."
Ben: "Nah."
Girls: "Life is a mystery. Everyone must stand alone. I hear you call my name and it feels like home..."
Me (with my hand out): "You owe my five bucks."
Ben: "Huh?"
Girls: "When you call me name it's like a little prayer..."
Ben: *laughing* "Ahhh... What is it with that song?!"
Me (still with my hand out): *smiles* "It's a girl thing!"
I love our little jokes, and in case you were wondering, Ben did give me $20 for an airport food purchase so I consider the bet paid.
Before we flew out late Sunday afternoon, we made a stop in St. Paul for a fun visit with all of Ben's Minnesota relatives, making our quick weekend visit to the Twin Cities complete!